Product Updates

NEW: Easily find specific Qmails with automatic labels

Written by Joanne Zhang | Sep 28, 2022 7:07:54 AM

Did you know that this August alone over 42 thousand Qmails were sent? As important as it is to notify our users about schedule changes, request approvals and more, the amount of in-app messages can easily add up. That’s why we introduced Automatic labels for Qmails to make it easier to find specific messages. 


With this update, labels will automatically be added to Qmails based on the categories they belong in. This enables mobile app users to instantly see what kind of messages they received in their inbox as well as easily find specific Qmails with the newly added filter. 


Currently, there are automatic labels for the following categories: 

  • Absence events (for example: an approved leave request)
  • Schedule events (for example: changed starting time for one of your upcoming shifts)
  • Shift swaps & Shift bookings (for example: an approved shift swap request).
  • Pulse & Badges (Any event related to Pulse and Badges)
  • Direct Qmails (Direct messages from colleagues and managers)
  • Availability (Any event and update related to availability)

No more getting lost in the message forest. With automatic Qmail labelling, the path to the Qmails you’re looking for is clearer than ever. To learn more about Automatic labels or Qmails in general, head on over to our HelpDocs articles.