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Product Innovation Keynote - Say Hello to Advanced Analytics

Written by Joanne Zhang | Apr 4, 2022 7:32:34 AM


Welcome to the Product Innovation Keynote - March 2022 edition! Presented by Sammy Walton, Head of Product Evangelism at Quinyx. Watch the keynote recording above to be formally introduced to Quinyx's new visual analytics tool called Advanced Analytics, the vision behind it and to learn more about the roadmap.

Or give the transcript below a read to get fully up to date. 


Welcome everyone to our product innovation keynote. My name is Sammy Walton, head of product evangelism at Quinyx.  Before I present our brand new solution that I know you are eager to know more about, I want to warm you up with a little bit of background. 


And that background starts with the deskless workforce. Deskless and frontline workers make up 80% of the global workforce, 2.7 billion globally – and 90% of organizations rely on them to keep their business running. The last two years have shown us that your workforce, your employees, are more important than ever. And with these challenging times, we’ve also learned that employees value a job they like, more than anything else. That’s why we need to put them first. 


In 2021, we polled over ten thousand workers across ten countries and a range of industries to get a better understanding of the deskless workforce and the results will shock you. Data shows that the deskless workforce is exhausted and feel under appreciated.  The global pandemic caused a wash of understaffing issues and 50% of the workforce have been affected by this – but so has your business. Understaffing leads to a more stressful environment, longer wait time for your customers and a poorer customer experience.  Additionally, we see that 21% do not feel appreciated at work and 58% think that their employer views them as disposable. 


So what is it that these employees, your employees are looking for? Well, employees want a better work/life balance, they want to feel less pressure while at work and gain more flexibility in their schedules. We know that empowering your workforce through technology is imperative to business success. Because a trained, engaged, informed and rewarded Workforce leads to a more productive, efficient and profitable business. Giving  them that would benefit both your businesses and employees. It’s time to take action. 


That’s why we at Quinyx are so proud to offer the leading Workforce Management platform that brings employees and businesses together. A place where businesses improve and scale their service with the best AI-powered forecasting and scheduling, but where they also meet their employees’ needs with unprecedented engagement capabilities and extensive schedule flexibility options. 


Production vision

But we can go so much further. To be able to empower, enable on the spot decision making, attract and retain the deskless workforce we need to know where the biggest challenges are and understand which needs are most pressing. And we want that data to be presented in intelligent, valuable, and most importantly, digestible ways. 


We believe in a future where intelligence, layered on top of your data, can provide both automated suggestions and predicted outcomes of how to react to trends in the business, while keeping you in the driving seat. Artificial and human intelligence working together to achieve the best possible outcomes, whether that be increasing the engagement from your workforce, navigating and understanding compliance events, or optimising and re-optimizing your schedules to keep you on track to reach your goals. 


With our all in one AI-powered workforce management platform, we’ve been helping businesses to create highly accurate forecasts and the best possible schedules to meet those predictions, but we want our A.I to be more transparent, more explainable, more helpful. We want to bring our product offering full circle. Everything you do in Quinyx, we want you to be able to see how that impacts your business, employee happiness and compliance in hard numbers. We want you to have all you need to manage your workforce in one single place.


Say hello to Advanced Analytics

So our team of dedicated Data experts, developers, product managers and product marketeers have worked with customers across the world, from industries such as retail, healthcare, logistics and hospitality, to understand their pain points, needs and challenges when it comes to transparency and visibility. 


Our customers told us:

  1. They wanted a solution embedded right there in the core WFM product, not having to worry about setting up their own BI tool and difficult integrations.
  2. They wanted data visualised in a way that can pinpoint workforce challenges and trends and be easily understood by all roles in the business and summarised at different levels
  3. A mix of pre configured and self Service dashboards to give them control over how they wanted to analyse the data.


We’ve worked extensively on crafting the perfect tool that helps customers truly spot challenges on the work floor. To identify opportunities to increase productivity, reduce absence and much more. A tool supported by an intuitive user experience and with easy access to the metrics that matter most, driving data driven decisions on how to manage their workforce. And that solution is called Quinyx’ Advanced Analytics and I will show it to you now.



We’re thrilled to launch Advanced Analytics, giving you a next level 360º view of your workforce and business. With Quinyx’ new and visual analytics tool, we’ve taken the next step in our data reporting and analytics functionalities. More than ever, you can see the direct impact of our other solutions with actual data within the Quinyx product. You’ll be able to see that our scheduling solutions truly allow you to minimise under and overstaffing and thus stress among employees. Our AI driven labor optimization significantly reduces compliance violations, giving your workforce more shifts they want and what they are legally entitled to, while keeping your business on target.  And you’ll be able to see how your employees are interacting with your business - and we’ll help highlight any opportunities across all of these areas for you. 


It will be easier than ever for businesses to analyse workforce trends, understand employee engagement levels and follow up on compliance events throughout the business. To gain deep insights into your workforce and business,  to compare between districts and units, to dive deeper where needed. You can easily share c-level and local reports in just a few clicks. And with access to pre-integrated data, you have everything in one place. Your data game is really next level now. With these insights, you truly have our all-in-one Workforce Management platform in your hands. 


Deep dive of Advanced Analytics

In the video we just showed you, you saw a glimpse of the key themes in Advanced Analytics, each tailored to offer insight around Optimization, Compliance and Engagement. Three themes that check the pulse on your workforce and your business. Let me elaborate on these themes.


First up: Optimization helps you stay aware of workforce trends in your organisation. Starting with some key KPI’s relevant to all businesses offering comparative insights on how your employees are scheduled, how they worked, absences, costs and more, all presented in interactive dashboards that are presented in ways designed to highlight opportunities and outliers. We’ll also be adding the ability to to set threshold alerts and schedule delivery of reports to those outside the workforce management system to ensure the data is easily accessible for all levels in the business.


Then we have compliance. A theme and functionality that no other workforce management company has ever made an integral part of their analytics. But since we know that compliance can be hard to navigate, especially in businesses that work across locations where different rules and legislations apply, we want to dedicate an entire section just on this. Our dashboards can help identify any events that have occurred related to business rules and labor laws. Here you’ll also see an overview of compliance events with soft rules like employee preferential rules. We do this by using our advanced A.I engine to help identify any possible compliance issues that have occurred during the scheduling process - whether you are creating schedules automatically and making adjustments, or creating schedules manually. This is an additional layer of understanding, on top of the warnings that appear in the schedule. This can help answer the question:  how compliant am I right now? This section is unique in the market and is only offered in Quinyx’s Advanced Analytics. 


Lastly, Engagement. A category that we are working to bring to the solution soon. The Engagement category will help you drive and maintain engagement between your workforce and your business. It has never been more important to connect with your employees and their values, and workforce management systems like Quinyx are often at the center of a lot of those engagement opportunities. We already offer our customers tools to communicate with, survey and reward their workforce. Now, we want to take the next step in presenting the data behind those engagements that shows you where and when the workforce is the happiest, allowing you to identify churn risks, upskilling opportunities and assess the interaction levels among your organisation. 


Advanced Analytics roadmap

As of today, Advanced Analytics is packed with functionality to vizualise, analyse, compare and share trends across the business, make data driven decisions and to turn insights into action. To create a happy workforce and a happy business. That doesn’t mean we stop here. I’d like to share our advanced analytics roadmap with you, to help get a better understanding of how we’re going to make Advanced Analytics even better. 

Across three phases, we’ll add more features and functionalities to our Analytics solution. We’ll continuously work on adding more KPIs and creating new ways to digest data within the current themes.

  • In phase 1, we’ll deliver the dedicated Engagement dashboard. As well as enhancements to the Optimization board. On the AI side, we’ll add more explainable AI - showing you the data behind our AI powered solutions. New features to the platform will include self-service dashboards and more roles and advanced permissions.  
  • From Phase 2, we will look into releasing industry specific dashboards, something we will continue on an ongoing basis. We’ll flex our AI muscles even more - pushing more forecasting use cases, compliance enhancements,  and employee churn modelling to bring a more transparent AI into Advanced Analytics. Lastly, we’ll add more languages and collaboration tools, allowing you to comment and chat about findings. 
  • In phase 3, we continue to add industry specific reporting and sharing trends we see happening across different industries for you to benchmark against. And we’ll bring mobile analytics for analytics on the go, coming straight from your pocket. 


Quinyx’ purpose is to create a better life for millions of people by improving their work lives. We’re working towards a future where we are able to offer you actionable insights to empower, enable, attract and retain your workforce across all these categories. Insights, recommendations and self service analytics on tap, so that you and your workforce can be confident in the decisions that are being made using the data Quinyx is presenting to you.


We cannot wait for you to be part of this journey with us.

Thank you.


Eager to learn more about what Advanced Analytics can do for you? Get in touch to get a free walk-through here.