Blog | Quinyx

10 reasons why businesses are choosing Quinyx

Written by Tommy Tonkins | Mar 10, 2017 2:55:56 PM
We are one of the leading providers of cloud-based workforce management solutions and, with our mobile-first approach, we’re helping businesses across Europe reduce labour costs by eliminating scheduling errors, and automating  the rota planning process - while creating a smiling workforce.

So why are more and more businesses from different industries choosing Quinyx? With more than 200,000 users and 123.5 million hours scheduled in the last year, Quinyx has become the go-to choice for businesses like Rituals Cosmetics, Papa John’s and London City Airport.

Here are ten reasons why…

1. It saves time

First and foremost, Quinyx saves time for both managers and employees. In fact, most managers say the amount of time it saves them is the equivalent to a day a week. Smart, automated schedules take away the pain of having to create them manually and, what’s more, employees receive their own schedule, and updates to it, as soon as it’s published.

As HR Airside Business Partner for London City Airport, Michelle Truss, explains: “We used to have a lot of manual processes so it was a big leap forward to take Quinyx on. Manual rostering used to take each department at least a couple of days a week and that was without the ongoing upkeep of managing leave requests and shift swaps. Since we’ve started using Quinyx it’s increased the speed it takes to process our rosters and reduced the time it takes us to do them by 50%.”


2. It saves money

Quinyx helps businesses control labour costs much more effectively than a manual solution. In an 8 week trial across three stores,

3. It can be used anywhere

So many of our day-to-day functions are now carried out through our phone. From managing our diary, keeping up to speed with our social media, streaming our favourite music, even something as relatively mundane as responding to emails, we do it all through our phones. The Quinyx app is designed and built with this at the forefront of the mind. It gives managers the ability to control and run their businesses from their phones while at the same time giving employees everything they need, and everything that’s relevant to them, on the device they use more than anything else.

4. It gives employees choice

For employees who work shifts, having an element of control over when they can and can’t work is one of the most important factors which influences their engagement. By being easily able to claim shifts and make their availability to work know, employees are empowered to take control of their worklife.

As Aviation Security Officer at London City Airport, Belynda Maquis-Mondesir, says: “Since we’ve started using it I haven’t missed a birthday, an anniversary or family time. It’s impossible to put a price on how valuable that is.”

5. It helps managers do what they do best

Many managers become managers because they are great at the job they were doing previously. In retail, this usually means they were fantastic at the front of the store talking to customers and making sales. All of a sudden when they become managers they are burdened with extra administration tasks, which takes them away from what they do best. Quinyx looks after these tasks for them, helping them get back to the work they love.

Store manager at Gudrun Sjödén, Aino Sackemark, saw an immediate impact when she started using Quinyx: “Instead of sitting in my office I’m now on the shop floor,” she said. “Quinyx has given me my time back. I’m no longer sat in front of a computer getting irritated, I’m doing what I love to do best.”

6. It’s super easy to apply for leave or make vacation requests

Instead of having to fill out endless forms, employees can apply for leave or vacations through the Quinyx app. And managers can grant these requests through the app as well meaning a process which traditionally involves spreadsheets, paper and admin can be done in a swipe and a click.

7. The software is always up to date

Because it’s cloud-based there are software updates and new releases on a regular basis. Not only does this means the software is always up to date, it means it’s constantly improving and evolving to better serve its users.

8. It helps managers, directors and business owners make better decisions

Thanks to tools like Quinyx Insights, senior decision makers have all the data they need at their fingertips to make better decisions about how to best run the business.

9. It radically improves communication

Quinyx is a powerful communication tool, giving managers the ability to send messages to all staff through the app. As a result of this, London City Airport saw a 100% increase in the amount of people completing a staff survey when it was sent to them through Quinyx.

10. It’s fun!

We’re driven by the belief that work can be made much more fun, by providing employees with greater visibility on their schedule, and giving them more flexibility in changing their shifts. This results in increased employee engagement, reduced staff turnover and better customer service.

If you’d like to find out how we can help your business, we’d love to hear from you!