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Strategies to reduce stress and increase engagement among US logistics workers

Discover the 2024 State of the Frontline Workforce Report findings on US logistics workers' stress factors and uncover strategies to improve employee engagement and retention.


In Quinyx’s annual State of the Frontline Workforce Report, 71% of frontline logistics workers in the United States reported being stressed at work. Why? The survey revealed some overwhelming concerns about pay - but other stressors emerged, depending on age and career perspective. 

Frontline logistics workers are critical - they power your business and ensure that product moves through the supply chain as it is intended. And over 60% of these workers consider their roles long-term career commitments. But at the same time, the majority are feeling stressed, dissatisfied and disengaged. Warehouse leadership must take proactive steps to keep employees happy, before they turn to grow their career somewhere else. 

Let’s dive deeper into the key factors causing this stress and some strategies that logistics leaders can use to help.

The State of Frontline Logistics Workers in 2024

Frontline logistics workers primarily view their roles as long-term career commitments. But despite this, a striking 71% of frontline logistics workers report experiencing significant stress in their roles, highlighting a number of issues related to workplace conditions and technology. 

Key Stressors Of Frontline Logistics Workers

Pay Concerns and Financial Stress

Financial stress is a significant concern among frontline logistics workers, particularly among older generations. Most millennial respondents (25-34) who considered quitting reported doing so because they want better pay. And overall, low pay was ranked as the top reason for job dissatisfaction. 

Flexibility and Scheduling Issues

Flexibility in scheduling is another factor contributing to frontline worker stress. About 27% of workplace departures were motivated by inflexible schedules, pointing to the need for better planning and communication. Workers reported wanting more advance notice to adjust schedules, and the ability to swap shifts easily. Improvements in this area could lead to enhanced job satisfaction and reduced turnover.

Lack of Support and Career Development

While older workers (45-54 years old) are more likely to view their job as a long-term commitment, younger workers (18-24 years old) feel less valued and are more likely to consider leaving. Furthermore, most 18-24 year olds who considered quitting reported doing so because they don’t feel valued at work. This indicates a gap in how different generations perceive their roles, their career development support and their future with the company. 

Desire for Better Technology

69% of frontline logistics workers expressed dissatisfaction with the current technology provided at their jobs. There's an overarching optimism about future technologies coming into their workplaces, like AI and automation. Younger workers under 35 are more enthusiastic about technological advancements, compared to their older counterparts. This diversity in tech-readiness suggests a need for tailored approaches in technology training and integration based on generational differences.

Strategies for Reducing Stress and Increasing Satisfaction

Every frontline manager is responsible for retaining their best employees. The best leaders also help employees with career development and offer support for their individual goals. In this case, one begets the other. Frontline logistics workers - especially of the younger generations - want to feel supported and valued. 

Here are a few strategies to decrease workplace stress and increase worker satisfaction and retention among your frontline logistics workers:

Improve Scheduling Flexibility and Communication

A significant number of workers surveyed have left their jobs or considered quitting due to inflexible schedules. Respondents reported that more adaptable scheduling options, such as drop-in scheduling and easier schedule swaps would significantly reduce workplace stress. Employing automated scheduling tools can further streamline this process, allowing managers to focus on other critical areas like career development and employee engagement.

Foster Career Development and Opportunity Awareness

Gen-Z in particular rank career development high on their priority list. To reduce turnover of their younger employees and help them seek their full potential, businesses should invest in clearly defined career pathways and professional growth opportunities. This could include regular training, mentorship, access to additional certifications, or opportunities for advancement within the company. 

Embrace Technology and Streamline Workplace Tools

Despite some reservations among older workers, the effective integration of technology is something logistics workers are seeking - investment here can dramatically improve job satisfaction among logistics workers. Many express dissatisfaction with the current tools at their disposal. Companies should focus on introducing user-friendly, efficient technology solutions targeted at enhancing job performance and reducing unnecessary stress. Education and training on new technologies will also be crucial to ensure all employees are comfortable and can utilize these tools to their fullest potential.

Logistics Leaders: Support Career Growth and Embrace Technology   

Frontline logistics workers have spoken in Quinyx’s 2024 survey. On the plus side, they are dedicated to their work and consider it a long-term career. But they still desire a bit more from their employers. Scheduling flexibility is a major stressor, and workers seek career development support and more modern technology.

To dive into the data and learn how to address these needs for your frontline workforce, check out the full 2024 State of the Frontline Workforce - US Logistics Report.  


Read the report


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