There are no two ways about it; good people management is hard. Regardless of your industry or job title, managing people effectively and profitably is challenging.
Cast your mind back to the day you were promoted into a managerial role. Where previously you were responsible for your own work, all of a sudden your success is measured by the productivity and achievements of the people you supervise. And that sense of not being in complete control can create anxiety, apprehension and fear.
Although people management is tough, it’s still a skill and all skills can be learnt.
Here are 5 fundamentals that will help you manage your people and projects more effectively.

The best managers are those who are open and available for their staff to talk to. If you can learn to be a good listener you will reap the rewards of a happier workforce who trust and have confidence in their manager.
More importantly, if you take the time to listen you will learn more about the staff members who are working on the front line for you everyday. Being closest to the action, your employees will have valuable ideas on how to improve processes and create a better end product or service.
Ultimately, interaction with your staff should be about creating a connection that enables them to trust you. Demonstrate an interest in them and you will develop a happy and motivated team who feel involved, and have important ideas for the future of the business.
Good managers are good communicators – it’s as simple as that.
The best way to ensure a target is met is to ensure everyone knows exactly what they are doing and when. If you give your staff a task to do and tell them you want it done ‘soon’, chances are it won’t be ready when you need it.
Don’t be vague in your instructions, give your employees clear tasks with clear deadlines – and don’t leave room for misinterpretation.
Include regular feedback as part of your good communication strategy. Giving your employees timely and regular feedback, whether it is positive or negative, will help your team to learn and improve.
Praise for a job well done shouldn’t be downplayed either; if you recognise good performance it will trigger more hard work as employees strive to achieve.
The workplace is prone to conflict amongst employees. Whether it’s a personal issue or a work-related disagreement, a good manager will always tackle conflict head-on.
Conflicts are messy and you may not want to get involved, but ignoring conflicts can lead to emotionally charged environments where further issues develop.
Don’t look the other way – address issues quickly and fairly and you will win the respect of your employees, and enjoy a more peaceful, and productive, workplace.
The first step to motivating your workforce is making sure they are happy and their concerns are being heard. There’s no need for inspirational speeches that get your employees psyched up; you can achieve more simply by taking the time to understand what it is your employees want and what motivates them as individuals.
Once you have shown your staff that you can relate to them on an interpersonal level, you can start to set goals in the expectation that they will be met.
Setting your goals high but keeping them attainable will encourage your employees to do the necessary work to meet them. Set the example as a high achiever, and your employees will be more likely to work towards it themselves.
It goes without saying that managing involves decision-making. You need to be assertive, expressing your decisions and thought process in a straightforward, non-hesitant way.
Whilst being decisive is an important part of being a manager, the key is not to charge in bullishly without having given it any serious thought. The best decisions come about as a result of rational and strategic thinking, but doing this takes time.
Don’t allow yourself to be pulled in too many directions; protect your time to allow yourself to make thoughtful and well-informed decisions. Prioritise, delegate and use the time you save to carefully think through your most important decisions.
Take your first step towards becoming a better people manager today. Quinyx Workforce Management has been specifically designed to give you back the time you need to become a people manager.
At the click of a button you can communicate with your employees, manage important messages and access the data you need to make informed decisions.