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3 steps to successfully implement new software

From CRM systems through to workforce management solutions, there are countless different types of software out there all designed to (and promising ..

From CRM systems through to workforce management solutions, there are countless different types of software out there all designed to (and promising to) optimise your business.

And while some pieces of software, like Slack as an example, are relatively straightforward to implement, other solutions which have a much broader scope and the potential to have a much bigger impact on your business, can be much trickier to implement smoothly and successfully. What’s more, company-wide change can be fraught with difficulties, obstacles and challenges.

As Quinyx CEO and Founder, Erik Fjellborg, says: “I’ve seen, managed and participated in over 500 workforce management software implementation projects together with our customers and partners.

“Thanks to awesome colleagues, project managers and experienced customers, a vast majority of these projects have been successful and have achieved the expected return on investment relatively quickly. However, implementing a new software solution is always a challenge and we have learnt plenty in terms of what you should consider before and during such project to make it as smooth as possible.”

You can download The Superhero’s Guide to Successfully Implementing a Workforce Management Solution here, but for all types of software implementation, here’s three things you should consider.

1. Have the right team in place

You’ll want to assemble a team that covers all the bases and can reach different touch points throughout your company. What departments are going to be most involved in using your new software? How are you going to make sure every need and voice is heard? Of course, every company is different and as such so are project teams.

For a workforce management software implementation, we typically recommend the project team includes someone from HR, someone from operations, someone from payroll, someone from IT and a project manager.

2. Know what you want to achieve

Clarifying your vision of what you want the software to do, and the biggest problems you want it to solve, means it’s will be much easier for you to successful implement it and start seeing returns. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Why are we adopting new software?
  • What problems to we need it to solve?
  • What results are we hoping to see?

From here you’ll know what you want to achieve, making it much easier for you to map out how to achieve it.

3. Get buy-in

Communication is essential to making a software implementation project a success. Successfully communicating the benefits of your new software, the reasons for using it and how to use it are integral components to seeing the best results. As is internal buy-in. Buy-in needs to be ensured from C-level executives right through to part time employees.

Implementing software that affects everyone in your organisation isn’t always going to be easy but, remember, there are usually very strong reasons as to why you’re doing it and, as such, it’s worth tackling any challenges head on and being prepared to overcome them.

Want to find out more about the Quinyx story and the ROI a workforce management solution can bring?

Read more in the guide How to successfully implement a workforce management software.


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