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Explore the Quinyx product roadmap

At Quinyx, we’re always working on innovating and improving our product. We think it’s important that you know what we’re building - and we love to hear your thoughts and ideas.  

Icons Petrol_Plant



Bulk actions

Scheduling KPIs


Audit log - absences

Labor Optimization

Self-service Reporting

Advanced Analytics

Labour Insight Reporting

Time trackers

Time accrual based on service

Frontline Portal

UX enhancements


FAQ chatbot


Right to decline additional hours

Icons Petrol_Rocket-1



Schedule print-out

Static Labour Configurations


Audit log - punch & schedule actions

Labor Optimization

Algorithm Insights

Algorithm Scheduled Headcount


Messenger enhancements

Shift swap UX enhancements

Icons White_AI Robot-1

Recently released


Faster schedules

Dynamic labour configurations


Detailed breaks & tasks report

Advanced Analytics

Compliance Report Improvements


Qclock v1


Multi-factor authentication on mobile

Punch in/out with Siri

Learn more in the Product Hub

Want to learn more about the latest product releases we brought to the table? We have a dedicated Product Hub where you find articles about our freshest updates, podcasts with product ambassadors and interviews with the team!

NEW: Set automatic reminders for unanswered surveys

We have released another update to further improve the Engagement experience. Now you are able to automatically send survey reminders in fixed time intervals, allowing you to increase the response rate and engagement with your workforce. 

Learn more > 

NEW: Enable Shift Swap Approvals for Employees

With this new functionality, employees can now approve and manage requests between themselves in the mobile app. This in turn reduces the administrative burden for managers and creates more transparency between employees. What’s not to love? 

Learn more > 

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